
Are you doing everything you can right now....?

When I sold cars, my boss often asked me, "Are you doing everything you could right now at this moment to make yourself money?" Since at this point in my life, I hated selling cars, I would often reply with a half assed "no" and pretend to start making phone calls. This question was burned into my brain as a salesman and would quite often be the topic of our Friday morning meetings. The big boss would open the meeting by demanding that we ask ourselves,"Am I doing everything I could possibly be doing right now to make myself some money?"
I actually just remembered this question as I was pondering life the other day and took it upon myself to slightly revamp it for the lifestyle that I am living right now. Now, especially when things aren't quite going my way, I'm going to ask myself, "Am I doing everything I can right now to be a more attractive and interesting person?" I felt it was important to throw the word "attractive" in there because there are many interesting, yet off-putting physical traits such as goiters, sixth digits, and possession of both male and female sex organs. Although fascinating, I do not think that any of these traits will help me achieve the life that I ultimately want to lead.
If what you desire is pussy, then interesting and attractive is what you must be. It is not necessary to be a male model or a billionaire tycoon, but it is important to tie up certain "loose ends" that could be responsible for your lack of success.  There is no excuse for anybody in the United States of America to be rocking a full on unibrow, for example.  Another popular feature that I see all too often is the dreaded feeler hairs that look as if they can help find one's way through a  dark room.  At the risk of sounding metrosexual, I can proudly say that a pair of tweezers and a half-way decent razor have gone quite a long way for me. 
     Being fat is also a huge negative when one is trying to be "all that they can be".  It is important to understand that people make judgements based on initial appearances, especially women.  I have had a very small amount of friends in my lifetime, that, regardless of being fat, have had such top notch game that they were still getting consistently top notch pussy.   I myself would rather have as few obstacles as possible standing in my way when talking to members of the opposite sex.  And yes, your future employer will take attraction into account when hiring you.  This is something that your future employer might not admit, even to themselves, but it is the natural order of things.  Nobody wants to hire an eyesore... fact.
     If you are fat, keep your chins up.  There is hope for you.  Please understand that a little exercise, nutrition, and will-power will go a long way.  I am not trying to be mean but sometimes the truth can be a bit painful to hear.  Some will read this post and be offended and a select few will read this and become motivated.  So far I have covered quite a bit just in the realms of unsightly hair and flab but there is still a ways to go.  Are you doing everything that you could possibly be doing to make yourself a more attractive and interesting person? 

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